Slow food for thought

Insights and research on global events shaping the markets

Key takeaways • There has been a change of tone in the markets with equities pulling back in April and US 10-year yield moving up 45 basis points over the month, while gold and the dollar soared. • The weight of evidence of our fundamental and market dynamics indicators leads us to remain neutral to positive on equities. While markets could stay choppy for a little while, we believe that the pullback could be contained, and that further equity market weakness is buyable. • Going forward, we want to keep our allocation to Equities close to our strategic asset allocation (SAA) neutral weights. We upgraded our stance on European stocks (from neutral to positive) and downgraded our view on Japanese stocks from positive to neutral. We remain negative in fixed income and downgraded our view on Emerging markets bonds. We have also upgraded our stance on Commodities to positive from neutral. Last but not least, we reduced all currencies by one “notch” vs. USD: EUR, CHF, GBP & EM are reduced down to negative (from neutral) while JPY is down to neutral (from positive).

Hyperbitcoinisation is not just about the growing success of bitcoin. It is actually a scenario in which the digital token becomes the world's dominant currency. Overview.

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Insights and research on global events shaping the markets

The Bank of England (BoE) is set to release its crucial monetary policy decisions this Thursday, a pivotal event with implications that could reverberate across global markets.



April's US economic landscape marked by macro challenges April saw a challenging macroeconomic environment in the US, with the market delaying interest rate cuts once again, equities experiencing their first decline since October 2023, and the earnings season beginning on an uneven note. Each month, the Syz investment team takes you through the last month in ten charts.



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